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Martijn Sandberg
Image Messages

The work of Amsterdam based visual artist Martijn Sandberg (1967) constantly explores border areas, such as the tension between text and image, illegible into legible, the private and the public domain. ”I make Image Messages, image is message is image.” In the cut paintings, such as ‘Sorry No Image Yet’ and ‘Im Westen Nichts Neues’, there is a subtle play between the language of the image and the significance of the image, and this gives rise to questions. Here, the lack of image seems to be elevated to an image by the artist.
The direct relationship between the image, the material bearing the image and the environment is also expressed in his site-specific works in public space and architecture. As in the brick relief ‘One More Wall Well Done’ that is integrated with the South facade of the First building in Rotterdam, and the artwork ‘I Will Survive‘ located at the border of a burial ground in Hardenberg, The Netherlands.


Martijn Sandberg, 1967 NL, visual artist, creates Image Messages, lives and works in Amsterdam.

  • 1986-1991 HKU Academy of Arts, dpt. Fine Art, Utrecht
  • 1990-1991 Rijks Academy of Fine Arts, dpt. Fine Art, Amsterdam
  • Exhibitions and projects since 1992 throughout Europe

Selected site-specific artworks in public spaces and architecture

Selected other projects

Teaching and advisory

  • Teacher at dpt Beeld & Taal, Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, 2009
  • Committee member: advisor visual art, Commissie voor Welstand en Monumenten, Amsterdam, period 2010-2012
  • Member advisory board: Klankbordgroep Onderzoek Monumentale Wandkunst (Research Post-War Monumental Art) in Amsterdam, Bureau Monumenten en Archeologie, Amsterdam, 2017-2018


  • ‘Zuiderkerkprijs 2013’, project Kraaipan, Amsterdam, 2013